If you’ve ever been to our North location you’ve probably seen Dolly the Elephant out on the boardwalk.
Dolly has been with Zelky’s since the beginning: 1985. Before she came to us she was on the boardwalk in Ocean City.
We’ve heard that Dolly has a history of being a Crime Stopper as well: a long time ago, probably even before 1985, someone had stolen something and was running away from the police down the boardwalk.
Looking behind them for a second, at full speed, the criminal didn’t see Dolly on the boardwalk in front of his path. He tripped, fell, and was caught by the police! Only Dolly’s ear was chipped; we like to call it a battle scar.
She’s a model elephant ride that erupted in the 1950’s, and the model has lasted throughout the years as a classic collector’s ride! We’ve held her as a precious gem for a long time. She’s gone through a lot of restoration and repainting throughout the years.
We’ve heard of many parents taking pictures of their kids on the elephant year after year, growing up from childhood through adulthood, on their yearly trips to our arcade! It’s really priceless to us to hear that people have these traditions!
Check her out next time you’re on the boardwalk- maybe you can start a new family tradition! ?
On the topic of Zelky’s history, check out this video clip of our North location in 1987! Were you around then?
-Solomon at Zelky’s
If you’ve been following our social media at all I’m assuming you’ve been able to get a small taste of us in full-gear!
Summer is here and we’re inviting YOU to join us in the fun!
The weather is beach perfect. The arcade is better than ever. We’re always getting new games in. Our International Students are doing great this year and our Supervisor team is becoming stronger and stronger.
Here are some other things we’ve been doing to help you make even BETTER memories with us this year:
- We’re slowly adapting and changing our aesthetic to fit our new branding under Zelky’s.
- New signs for our South and North locations should be coming in soon!
- We’ve put new PLINKO prize coins in our machines.
- We’ve introduced the Mystery Prize Box- an assortment of surprises where you never know what’s in ’em!
- Dolly the Elephant is back after her looooong recovery stage!
- We’re putting up new monitors at each of the locations to run some informative slides for you guys.
- We even got fancy and put our Zelky’s logo on the Space Invaders display!
And that’s not even close to everything we’ve been doing! Things are chugging. We’re always changing to make the Zelky’s experience better for you, your friends, and your family. It’s made for a super fun summer! We’ve even got some SPECIAL secrets that we hope to share with you over the next couple months!
Have you made any memories at Zelky’s yet this year? Summer’s just begun; it’s not too late! We’re here 7 days a week!
From the Zelky’s Family to Yours,
-Solomon at Zelky’s
Our South location is now open on weekends along with our other two locations on the Rehoboth Beach boardwalk.
It’s our largest location and it definitely lives up to its size!
Brett and the rest of the team have been working hard at making sure we’re running soundly. We’re going above and beyond to constantly improve the Zelky’s experience at all three locations for you guys.
Since we’re not open during the week quite yet we’ve gotten the opportunity to do heavy rearranging and upgrading to our Central location. Something big is in the works there and we hope to be able to tell you about it soon!!
We’re also in the process of changing Central’s wall color from green to Zelky’s Pink (the ocean glare makes it hard to see but that doesn’t make it any less true!).
We aren’t a problem-free company. There’s no such thing. We’ve had our fair share of problems to solve to improve your Zelky’s experience and the biggest one has been setting up our new swipe card system. It’s a very complicated system but we’ve come a long way to get it working the way it is right now.
We’re super pleased with the result and we’re absolutely THRILLED to now offer you reloadable, bonus-packed swipe cards that you can use at any arcade on the boardwalk!
Summer is coming. We’re ready. Are YOU ready?
-Solomon at Zelky’s