
If you’ve ever been to our North location you’ve probably seen Dolly the Elephant out on the boardwalk.

Dolly has been with Zelky’s since the beginning: 1985. Before she came to us she was on the boardwalk in Ocean City.

We’ve heard that Dolly has a history of being a Crime Stopper as well: a long time ago, probably even before 1985, someone had stolen something and was running away from the police down the boardwalk.

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If you’ve been following our social media at all I’m assuming you’ve been able to get a small taste of us in full-gear!

Summer is here and we’re inviting YOU to join us in the fun!

The weather is beach perfect. The arcade is better than ever. We’re always getting new games in. Our International Students are doing great this year and our Supervisor team is becoming stronger and stronger.

Here are some other things we’ve been doing to help you make even BETTER memories with us this year:

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Our South location is now open on weekends along with our other two locations on the Rehoboth Beach boardwalk.


It’s our largest location and it definitely lives up to its size!

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