Cape Gazette Article

In recent events, we’ve been featured in an article by the Cape Gazette! It was released in the February 23rd paper and you can find it at this link.

Going through the rebranding process has been ultra-exciting for us. There’s so much history to reflect on, especially for Matt and his family. We’ve come a long way but changing names, logos, and more has sparked a lot of reminiscence.

Matt used to be a seven-year-old kid who would come into the arcade from the hot sun, slap on a coin belt and ask people if they needed change.

He, Chuck, and the arcade have come a long way!

There’s a ton of history for the arcade to remember. In ’85, Chuck transformed a dark and dingy bowling alley and bathhouse into the first Arcade.

Now there’s 3 of our favorite arcades all within a mile of each other on the boardwalk. Who woulda thunk!

There will be a full history page on our website coming to you soon. In the meantime, you can read our featured Cape Gazette article here. Let us know what you think; we wouldn’t be doing all this without you!

-Solomon at Zelky’s

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